One of our goals with Report Toaster is to provide Shopify merchants with data they can't get from Shopify. Therefore, this is the next installment in what has now become a series; Data You Can't Get From Shopify: Volume 4.
This version will cover Point of Sale Devices, Shared Links, and Scheduled Reports.

Point of Sale (POS) Devices
What's worse than Shopify not having the data you need? When they have it and take it away! This happened recently when the Sales by POS Terminal report was removed from the available Shopify Retail Sales Reports. In fact, the ability to filter or segment by POS Device (terminal number) was eliminated completely.
Once again, Report Toaster has your back! We added Sales by POS Device under our collection or Retail reports.

Now Report Toaster users can filter and group by POS Device on order, sales, and transaction reports. Some examples of where this might be useful.
Get a listing of all of your orders sold on a particular POS Device.
Produce a report of all-cash sales for that day at each terminal.
Check which staff members processed sales on a particular device.
Most importantly, you decide how to best utilize your data.
Shared Links
One of our more requested features was for users to have the ability to share reports with non-staff members. Using this feature, a merchant can create a unique hyperlink that takes users directly to a saved report.
Anyone with the link will be able to see a live view of the report and they can customize their view of the data via the usual columns & filters. (Think of it like sharing a link to a Google doc.)
Report Toaster customers have found many uses for this. Here are just a few of the use cases.
Merchants sharing month-end reports with their accountant.
Sharing a daily fulfillment list with warehouse staff.
Food delivery service sharing a daily meal list with kitchen staff.
Whether it be with third-parties or other members of the team, using shared links can reduce the number of staff members required in a merchant's Shopify Admin account.
Let's take a quick look at Shopify's Pricing to see how this can benefit merchants.

The Basic Shopify plan only includes two staff accounts, and upgrading to the Shopify plan costs an additional $50/month. (The next upgrade to the Advanced Shopify plan there is an additional $220/month!)
In other words - here is just another example of Report Toaster saving merchants time and money.
Scheduled Reports
Speaking of saving time, Report Toaster users can now schedule any report to run automatically at a chosen frequency. Want a report every month, you can do that. Want one every 2 weeks, no problem! Want one every 29 hours, kinda weird, but sure.
Not only can the reports be scheduled, we will deliver them to any chosen recipients via Email or SMS. This is another great way to share reports with third-parties or staff members.
Don't want to clutter your Inbox with a bunch of report deliveries? No problem! Reports can be scheduled without recipients and downloaded later via the Scheduled Report History.

This ensures that a merchant can keep a "snapshot" of their data at any point in time for later reference.
Scheduled Reports can also be delivered to an https endpoint. This is ideal for integrating your Shopify data with third-party applications. E.g. a report could be delivered to a Zapier Webhook in CSV or JSON format and then passed through to another application. We plan to introduce more examples of how this can be used, but for now, the possibilities are endless!
We hope you enjoyed this installment in the series, but stay tuned as we continue to unlock more Shopify data. In the meantime, feel free to read the previous installment.